08 Vochtgehalte (19 artikelen)
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PDEF CMM375    CMM375 hygrometer for moisture tests on concrete CMM375 hygrometer for moisture tests on concrete
CK375  C375/K Vochtigheidsmeter voor beton, pleisterwerk, ... Vochtigheidsmeter  Kett HI 52002
voor Beton, mortel, zand/cement, ALC (Aerated Light Concrete), kunstmatig licht beton met granulaten, pleisters/gipsen

Beton: 0-12%, Mortel: 0-15%, ALC: 0-100%, Kunstmatig licht beton met granulaten: 0-23%, Pleisters: 0-50%
Nauwkeurigheid: +/-0,5% (beton, mortel)

v2015-07 CK375.jpg
PDEF CMM IS BASIS  Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Concrete Basis Kit Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Concrete Basis Kit

 3 CMM IS probes
 3 Saturated Salt Solutions
 3 Calibration Check Chambers
 3 Caps
 6 Stackable Probe Extensions
 Extraction Tool
 Tape Measure
 Ten A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries


Easily collect and report RH measurements in conformance with ASTM F2170
No need to open hole or remove the cap. Probes remain powered on for up to 3 weeks and broadcast wirelessly via Bluetooth while in situ.
Combined sleeve and probe design simplifies the ASTM F2170 installation process. Does not require consumables.
Uses common coin cell batteries

Rapid response precision probes provides accurate, repeatable readings
Cal Check function automatically determines whether a probe is reading within tolerance
Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included
Test and document in-situ concrete moisture levels in full accordance with ASTM F2170

Reusable Smart Probes
Solvent, acid, oil, water and dust resistant -- weatherproof
Two year warranty on probes

Rapid acclimation, reduced testing time
Blue LED confirms the probe is powered on and broadcasting
Includes free PosiTector mobile app for analyzing and reporting data

Specifications     Range              Accuracy       Resolution
Temperature  0° to 80° C         ±0.5° C          0.1° C
                     32° to 175° F        ±1° F             0.1° F
Humidity          10 to 90%          ±2%*             0.1%
                          >90%               ±3%*

* 0 – 65° C (32 – 150 ° F)

Expansion Packs (1, 4 and 16 packs available)

Add additional reusable PosiTector CMM IS smart probes as required. Each pack consists of a probe, calibration check chamber, saturated salt solution, (NaCl), cap, 2 stackable probe extensions, and A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries

Replacement chambers, salt solutions, tools, caps and fins are available upon request DFPT CMM IS BASIS
PDEF CMM IS COMP  Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Concrete Complete Kit Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Concrete Complete Kit

 5 CMM IS probes
 5 Saturated Salt Solutions
 5 Calibration Check Chambers
 5 Caps
 10 Stackable Probe Extensions
 Extraction Tool
 Tape Measure
 Vacuum Tool Attachments
 Ten A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries
 Hard shell carrying case


Easily collect and report RH measurements in conformance with ASTM F2170
No need to open hole or remove the cap. Probes remain powered on for up to 3 weeks and broadcast wirelessly via Bluetooth while in situ.
Combined sleeve and probe design simplifies the ASTM F2170 installation process. Does not require consumables.
Uses common coin cell batteries

Rapid response precision probes provides accurate, repeatable readings
Cal Check function automatically determines whether a probe is reading within tolerance
Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included
Test and document in-situ concrete moisture levels in full accordance with ASTM F2170

Reusable Smart Probes
Solvent, acid, oil, water and dust resistant -- weatherproof
Two year warranty on probes

Rapid acclimation, reduced testing time
Blue LED confirms the probe is powered on and broadcasting
Includes free PosiTector mobile app for analyzing and reporting data

Specifications     Range              Accuracy       Resolution
Temperature  0° to 80° C         ±0.5° C          0.1° C
                     32° to 175° F        ±1° F             0.1° F
Humidity          10 to 90%          ±2%*             0.1%
                          >90%               ±3%*

* 0 – 65° C (32 – 150 ° F)

Expansion Packs (1, 4 and 16 packs available)

Add additional reusable PosiTector CMM IS smart probes as required. Each pack consists of a probe, calibration check chamber, saturated salt solution, (NaCl), cap, 2 stackable probe extensions, and A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries

Replacement chambers, salt solutions, tools, caps and fins are available upon request DFPT CMM IS COMP
PDEF CMM IS PRO  Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Concrete Pro Kit Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Concrete Pro Kit

* PosiTector DPM3 Advanced
* 5 CMM IS probes
* 5 Saturated Salt Solutions
* 5 Calibration Check Chambers
* 5 Caps
* 10 Stackable Probe Extensions
* Extraction Tool
* Tape Measure
* Vacuum Tool Attachments
* Ten A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries
*  Hard shell carrying case

Temperature  Range 0° to 80° C Accuracy ± 0.5° C  Resolution 0.1° C
Humidity Range10 to 90%  Accuracy± 2%*  Resolution 0.1 %
                       > 90%         Accuracy ± 3%*


Easily collect and report RH measurements in conformance with ASTM F2170
No need to open hole or remove the cap. Probes remain powered on for up to 3 weeks and broadcast wirelessly via Bluetooth while in situ.
Combined sleeve and probe design simplifies the ASTM F2170 installation process. Does not require consumables.
Uses common coin cell batteries

Rapid response precision probes provides accurate, repeatable readings
Cal Check function automatically determines whether a probe is reading within tolerance
Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included
Test and document in-situ concrete moisture levels in full accordance with ASTM F2170

Reusable Smart Probes
Solvent, acid, oil, water and dust resistant -- weatherproof
Two year warranty on probes

Rapid acclimation, reduced testing time
Blue LED confirms the probe is powered on and broadcasting
Includes free PosiTector mobile app for analyzing and reporting data

Specifications     Range              Accuracy       Resolution
Temperature  0° to 80° C         ±0.5° C          0.1° C
                     32° to 175° F        ±1° F             0.1° F
Humidity          10 to 90%          ±2%*             0.1%
                          >90%               ±3%*

* 0 – 65° C (32 – 150 ° F)

Expansion Packs (1, 4 and 16 packs available)

Add additional reusable PosiTector CMM IS smart probes as required. Each pack consists of a probe, calibration check chamber, saturated salt solution, (NaCl), cap, 2 stackable probe extensions, and A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries

Replacement chambers, salt solutions, tools, caps and fins are available upon request CMM IS PRO
CK374 C374/K Vochtigheidsmeter voor hout Vochtigheidsmeter voor hout

Deze vochtigheidsmeter bepaalt onmiddellijk het vochtgehalte in diverse houtsoorten over verschillende dieptes tot 40 mm. 
Er moet niet geboord worden. Het apparaat wordt eenvoudig lichtjes op het te testen oppervlakte gedrukt. 

Capacitieve meting onder hoge frequentie en digitale uitlezing met een nauwkeurigheid van +/- 5 %

Vochtpercentages in hout: van 2%  tot 150 % (in functie van de dichtheid van het hout)

v2013-07 CK374.jpg
C374-06 C374-06 Universele vochtmeter met software Universele vochtigheidsmeter voor beton, hout, 
resolutie 0,1 %, nauwkeurigheid 0,2 %
batterij 9 V nodig
in draagtas

v2015-05 C374-06
PDEF CMMEXT CMMEXT Telescopic Extender for CMM375 CMMEXT Telescopic Extender for CMM375 Extension on CMM
KT HB300 HB300 Multi-Purpose Moisture Tester HB300 Multi-Purpose Moisture Tester

HB300 – Portable Instant Moisture Meter – Universal
Our universal model, the HB300 will accept up to 10 customer applications and can be programmed with up to five samples allowing for non-linear applications to be generated. The large LCD makes the measurement easy to see even on a worksite. Standard probe allows testing in most locations without the need to damage the sample.
Optional probes and clamp fixtures build on 0 year design experience to give unsurpassed access to almost any measurement application.

Instant, Non-destructive Moisture Measurement
Measure almost any solid product
Customer calibrations completed simply
Multiple measurement probes available
Portable Battery Power to allow for field or in process measurement
Integrated Averaging and data storage
Ergonomic, durable design

These low cost universal moisture meters still provide great versatility as they allow customers to calibrate them for specific, if unique applications. The instrument comes with a generic calibration allowing you to immediately get relative moisture measurements. A variety of probes are available to assist with customized measurement requirement. Measurements are instant and non-destructive.
Simply select the calibration, place the probe onto the solid and press the measurement button. The display immediately provides your moisture value.

INDUSTRY	APPLICATION	                                                  DESCRIPTION
Construction	Composite Block Moisture	                                 Ability to input calibrations allows manufacturer to                                                                                                                   get accurate readings on proprietary products

Pulp/Paper	Particle Board and Plywood Moisture Testing	  Any composite or layered material can be                                                                                                                                 measured instantly - without any sample                                                                                                                                 alteration or preparation

Building Materials	Drywall /Gypsum Board Moisture	                   Easy assessment of product quality. Can also be                                                                                                                    used for mold location identification and leak                                                                                                                          detection without harming the product surface in                                                                                                                    any way.

Food	                 Dry mixes	                                                Instant, non-destructive test of kibble, trail mix                                                                                                                    and other mixed dry products

Minerals	                Gravel and Aggregate Moisture	               Simple, instant test of of any pile or tote
 KT HB300
KT HB300
T005 Kit voor vloerinspectie in koffer Kit voor vloerinspectie in koffer
Tramex Concrete Encounter voor betonnen vloeren
Tramex Professional Meter
Hamer electrode

PDEF DPMIR1 Positecor Standard with DPM IR 1 Probe (Infrarood) Dauwpuntmeter Positecor Standard with DPM IR 1 Probe (Infrarood) PDEF DPMIR1
PDEF DPMIR3 Positecor Standard with DPM IR 3 Probe (Infrarood) Positecor Standard with DPM IR 3 Probe (Infrarood) PDEF DPMIR3
PDEF CMM 16PK Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Expansion 16 Pack Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Expansion 16 Pack

16 CMM IS probes
16 Saturated Salt Solutions
16 Calibration Check Chambers
16 Caps
32 Stackable Probe Extensions
40 coin cell batteries PDEF 16
PDEF CMM 4PK Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Expansion 4 Pack Positector CMM IS Humiditymeter Expansion 4 Pack 

4 CMM IS probes
4 Saturated Salt Solutions
4 Calibration Check Chambers
4 Caps
8 Stackable Probe Extensions
10 coin cell batteries PDEF
PDEF DPM1 PosiTector DPM1  Standard Body PosiTector DPM1  Standard Body  DPM1
PDEF DPMA3-E PositectorAdvanced with DPM A Probe (wind) PositectorAdvanced with DPM A Integral Probe with Wind Speed Sensor

Surface Temperature
Air Temperature
Wet Bulb Temperature*
Relative Humidity
Dew Point Temperature
Surface Temperature minus 
Dew Point Temperature
Wind Speed DPMA3-E
T002 T002 Niet destructieve vochtigheidsmeter Moisture Encounter De vochtigheidsmeter Encounter Plus is een niet-destructieve vochtigheidsmeter die in de algemene bouw-en woningtoezicht wordt gebruikt. Het heeft vele unieke eigenschappen die maken Vocht Meet-en Evaluatie snel, nauwkeurig en veelzijdig.

Hout, vloeren, Indoor Air Quality, Water Restauratie, Ongediertebestrijding, Inspectie / Landmeetkunde.

Hout, Gips, Brick, Gipsplaten (gipsplaten), Dakbedekking (membranen en isolatie), porselein of keramische tegels, gipsplaten, Tapijt, Vinyl, VCT tegels, Vloer laminaat, wandbekleding.

Drie reeksen van gevoeligheid (hout / timmerhout) (Drywall / Dakbedekking) (Gips / Brick) maken hem geschikt voor diverse bouwmaterialen.
Diepe penetratie signaal tot meer dan 1 "in het materiaal dat wordt getest zonder dat het oppervlak te beschadigen.
Externe Rubber elektroden maken direct contact met het te testen materiaal voor de beste gevoeligheid en reproduceerbaarheid.
Groot aantal metingen voor hout van 5% tot 30% en 0 tot 100 vergelijkende voor alle andere materialen.
Groot, helder, gemakkelijk te lezen display (het geven van zinvolle waarden).
Met de Hold-functie kan de gebruiker te de lezing "bevriezen". Handig voor het maken metingen wanneer de display niet zichtbaar is.
Switch-staat "Aan" of "Uit" met audio waarschuwingstoon.
Automatic Power Cutoff schakelt "Off" wanneer men het toestel niet gebruikt.
Automatisch Standaard naar laatste gebruiker instelling wanneer weer ingeschakeld.
Werkt op batterijen (meegeleverd).

v2013-06 T002.jpg
T003 T003 Niet destructieve vochtigheidsmeter Moisture Encounter Niet destructieve vochtigheidsmeter Moisture Encounter voor hout, roofing, pleister en steen T003.jpg
M60274 Universele vochtmeter metrica Universele vochtigheidsmeter voor beton, hout, 
Dubbele meting: direct contact en dieptemeting.
In koffer M60274